By car :
Once arrived on the G.R.A. (Grande Raccordo Anulare), which is the big ring surrounding Rome, take the Exit 24, named Ardeatina. Go straight on for the whole way long until you get to Caracalla. Once there ask indications for the Colosseum. Once in Colosseum, you’re quite arrived. Take Via degli Annibaldi and at the end cross the traffic light and go straight on (access allowed from Monday to Friday from 6pm until 8am; Saturday until 2pm; Sunday all day). Turn the first right, then the third left and again left. The small square you get into is Piazza degli Zingari.
Park only for the necessary time you need to leave your baggages and then exit the historical centre and go back to Via Cavour, trying to park there (remember to pay if you leave the car on the blue lines).
By train :
How to reach us from any train station: wherever you arrive (Termini Station, Ostiense Station or Tiburtina Station), take the Underground Line B and get off the underground at the stop CAVOUR. If you come from Tiburtina Station or from Termini Station, as soon as you get off the Underground in CAVOUR, you cross the big street in front of you (Via Cavour) and go down the small stairs. Once downstairs, take the street on your right (Via Urbana) and turn the first left. Up the hill, that’s Piazza degli Zingari. N.2 is right next to the nice green plant climbing up the wall, which is light pink. If you take the Underground from Ostiense Station, once you get off the Underground at CAVOUR, turn to your right (Via Urbana) and then first left (see explanation above).
By airplane :
How to reach us from FIUMICINO AIRPORT: Once you get there, take the train direction Termini Station. Once in the station, take the Underground, Line B, direction Laurentina, and get off at the first stop, named CAVOUR. As soon as you get off the Underground, you cross the big street in front of you (Via Cavour) and go down the small stairs. Once downstairs, take the street on your right (Via Urbana) and turn the first left. Up the hill, that’s Piazza degli Zingari. N.2 is right next to the nice green plant climbing up the wall, which is light pink.
How to reach us from CIAMPINO AIRPORT: Please visit this website for detailed information.
By taxi:
Official Roman taxis are white with an identification code on the door. Inside, on the left door of the back seat, there is a plaque indicating the license number and the name of the driver or of the taxi company to which he belongs. At the right side of the driver there’s a taximeter indicating the price.
Taxis can be called by telephone at the following numbers:
+39 06 3570
+39 06 4994
I can provide guests with a beautiful cab with driver from the airport to the apartment and viceversa. Moreover, should you need it, he can drive you around Rome and outskirts.
Rome to Fiumicino/Ciampino and Fiumicino/Ciampino to Rome costs 50 euros per trip.
IMPORTANT: to benefit from this service, please reserve it to me at least 48 hours before.
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How to reach us 
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